SEO means search engine optimization(On page Optimization), a method of internet marketing to increase your website's visiblity to search engines and generate organic traffic from there. Your website ranks for a set of targeted keywords and attracts user search for your kind of business, resulting increase in your sales.
There are many factors due to which your sites ranks in the search results for specific keywords. The main factor is search engine optimization, optimizing your website to make it search engine friendly and appear in search resluts of major search engines.There are many aspects considered while optimizing the website to achieve a high organic lisiting on search engines.
Nikhil, being a seo expert consultant applys only white hat seo techniques for your website. My main pratice is to follow new algorithms and guidelines of major search engines while optimizing your website. The processes followed by me in my professional seo services for optimizing your website are briefly described below:
Keyword Research: In this process, i basically first understand your business and its needs and then start the process. After completely scaning your business, keywords searched by an end user for your type of business are been researched with search volume and competiton. Then most effective keywords are sorted and then targeted for each page of your website as per it relevance.
Competitor Analysis: It is a process in which your online business competitors with same keywords are been analyzed. The seo techniques used by them are been scaned and all positive and negative factors of their websites are been noted to help you get good rankings for your website.
Code Optimization: Optimizing the html code is a part of sucessful SEO process. As search engines gives good weightage to the html coding part for website ranking, it becomes mandatory to rectify the errors present in your website. After removing your errors we validate your website as per W3C standards. CSS and Javascript are placed in external files as this pratice make your website load faster which again is a sucessful seo process.
Meta Tag Optimization: Your website's meta tags like Meta title tags, Meta description and Meta keyword tags are been optimized with a set of competitive keywords. Heading tags i.e. from H1 to H6 are been optimized targeting your main keywords.
Image Optimization: Alt tags and title tags are been used with the trageted keywords to help search engine know about your images as search engines do not crawl images.Image size also plays an important role for search engine spiders, as a big size image takes long time to get loaded on to your website.
Content Analysis and Internal Linking: Content plays a big role for rankings in search engines.The more keyword rich content the more chances to get good rankings in search engines. Also internal linking within the content form a specific keyword makes search engine spiders easy to naivigate throught your website and index it very fast.
The above mentioned are the main analysis and changes applied to your website to get them high rankings in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
After this process comes the second stage to achieve good traffic for your website.This process is known as Search Engine Marketing in other words Off Page Optimization. The details and importance of this process are mentioned in Professional SEM Services page.